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Friday, 26 February 2016


If someone's ax is blunt—the edge isn't sharpened— then more strength will be needed. Putting wisdom to work will bring success.”
                                                                                                                                     Ecclesiastes 10:10 (ISV)

Wisdom is profiting to them that have it. Sometimes you don’t need to exert more energy; you only need to use better skills, methods and strategy. What excess energy may not achieve, wisdom will.

 Wisdom is defined as the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. In the days of the industrial revolution, all that mattered was the force and might of labour. But with the advent of the computer, that has since changed.

A man may therefore discover he is useless in his field because he hasn’t learned new methods of doing things. Do note that old ways are not suppressed by new ways if the new are not better. Men are on the lookout for easier, faster, better and more efficient ways of doing things. An architect trained in the 1960’s is useless today if he doesn’t know how to use AutoCAD or ArchiCAD. Nobody draws a plan with pencil, paper and cartographic pen anymore. There are better and more efficient methods of doing things. Don’t be left behind; you must seek to know and master the next new thing in your field.

Solomon of old called it blunt ax. And his advice for improvement is not to throw away the ax, but to sharpen it. You do not need to change your skill or field of expertise, you only need to stay on the edge, and sharpen your edge. It is my firm belief that if we are the best in any field, then success will surely come to us. 

Today, you must make a commitment to learn new things, to improve yourself; you must keep abreast of information in your field. Don’t be left behind. Put wisdom to work – gain more knowledge, practice good knowledge. Constantly improve yourself.  Learn new methods of doing old things.

"Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings…" (Proverbs 22:29, NIV). It is time to serve before kings. Your problem may not be as a result of a spiritual attack. It may be that you are suffering from bluntness of ax. Get down to the business of sharpening you skills and surely, before long, you will stand and serve in the presence of kings and not mere men. Get ready to break forth, it is your time!

Fisayo Adeniyi
Pursuing Purpose...
Twitter: @fisayospeaks
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