I have always being enthralled by perfumes; their
varied fragrances and packages. I remember a friend of mine in the university once
wore a perfume I had earlier come across, I told her the name of what she was
wearing and she smiled because I was right. A brand of a perfume always comes
with the same fragrance. I have never seen one with two fragrances.
Perfumes have been worthy compliments of men from time
immemorial. Anytime I read Esther 2:12, I am amazed at the vast preparation
these beautiful ladies were subjected to for a whole year, “The young women were given beauty treatments for
one whole year. The first six months their skin was rubbed with olive oil and
myrrh, and the last six months it was treated with perfumes and cosmetics. Then
each of them spent the night alone with King Xerxes.(CEV)” But even
after this treatment, the beautiful virgin would still have one sweet, strong fragrance.
Daily, I see the miracle
of a fragrance. From the dusty villages, to the dense street of Lagos to the
market at Aka Offot in Uyo to air conditioned halls in Abuja; a fragrance. Sometimes the fragrance comes from sweaty
backs, sometimes from high flyers in gorgeous suits. Different, yet with no
distinction. They are the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. They are
They are a fragrance, just
one fragrance, one sort, one brand, one people. One united fragrance, but two
outward savours. Their fragrance lasts forever, and differs in aroma depending
on the man savoring it. To some, they are a scent of life leading to life, to others,
a scent of death leading to death.
“But thanks be
to God! He always leads us triumphantly in Christ and through us spreads
everywhere the fragrance of knowing him. To God we are the aroma of Christ
among those who are being saved and among those who are being lost. To some
people we are a deadly fragrance, while to others we are a living fragrance.
Who is qualified for this?” 2 Cor 2:14-16 ISV
next time you see those folks with their permanent perfumes infused into their
genes; understand that you have seen a spiritual miracle, men whose spirit can
never die. God’s trademark in perfumery; they are Christians and they are
special. Depending on who you are, they constantly stick in your nose,
reminding you of your choice, witnessing to you of who you are, and where you
are ultimately headed. The way of Death or Life!
Fisayo Adeniyi
Pursuing Purpose...
Twitter: @fisayospeaks
Facebook: Fisayo.Adeniyi
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